Avaliação da qualidade do carvão vegetal de Qualea parviflora

This work aimed to verify the influence of the sampling longitudinal position in Qualea parviflora Mart. in the quality of charcoal and the statistical relation among the variables measured in this biofuel. Five trees were evaluated. In each one, 5 cm – thickness discs were obtained in the base, DBH (1.30 m), middle and top. The wood was carbonized in a muffle furnace, considering a heating rate of 1.67 oC min-1. The yields in charcoal pyroligneous extract, in non-condensable gases and in fixed carbon and volatile matters, fixed carbon and ash contents, besides relative apparent density of the charcoal were determined. In the evaluation of the experiment, an entirely randomized design was used with five repetitions, being different sampling position considered a variation factor. Simple linear correlations between characteristics measured in the charcoal were evaluated and statistical models were proposed. Charcoal from Qualea parviflora Mart. wood presented great energetic potential. A significant influence of the sampling longitudinal position Qualea parviflora Mart. in the quality of the charcoal was not found. Fixed carbon content, gravimetric yield and volatile matter contents must be considered main characteristics related to higher heating value of the charcoal evaluated. doi: 10.4336/2011.pfb.31.68.295