Language and communication in mental retardation
R.S. Chapman, Language and Communication in Individuals with Down Syndrome. C. Mervis, M.L. Rowe, A.M. Becerra, and B.P. Klein-Tasman, Language Abilities of Individuals with Williams Syndrome. L. Abbeduto and M.M. Pavetto, Language and Communication in Fragile X Syndrome: Within-Syndrome Commonalities and Differences. T.E. Coggins, L.B. Olswang, H.C. Olson, and G.R. Timler, On Becoming Socially Competent Communicators: The Challenge for Children with Fetal Alcohol Exposure. E.C. Merrill, R. Lookadoo, and S. Rilea, Memory, Language Comprehension, and Mental Retardation. F.A. Conners, Reading Skills and Cognitive Abilities of Individuals with Mental Retardation. N. Brady, Language Interventions for Children with Mental Retardation.