Remote Condition Sensing and Analysis of Army Facilities: System Design, Creation, and Implementation.

Abstract : Moisture-related damage is a major expenditure in work hours and dollars because most of these repairs are of an unscheduled nature demanding immediate attention. These repairs disrupt normal work schedules and decrease DEH maintenance efficiency in other areas. It is estimated that about 90 percent of all building construction problems are associated with water in some way. Researchers surveyed over 600 residences in Champaign County, Illinois, and found that 5.4 percent of the structures had major moisture damage and another 35 percent suffered damage ranging from minor to moderate. This damage was in the form of: (1) Decrease of thermal resistance through wet insulation; (2) Corrosion of metal; (3) Decay of wood and wood products; (4) Undesirable expansion of building materials; (5) Growth of fungi or mold; (6) Leaching of salts from brick or masonry; (7) Short circuits in electrical wiring; (8) Paint failure; (9) Discoloration of building material; and (10) Infestation by woodboring insects. Objectives of the overall research are to: (1) Determine factors involved in causing moisture-related building damage; (2) Quantify the feasibility of remotely monitoring building areas not subject to routine scheduled visual inspections; and (3) Process data into predictive models.