Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing
SC06, the premier international conference on high performance computing, networking and storage, will convene in November 2006 in Tampa, Florida. This year the conference will take its inspiration from Albert Einstein who said "Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid; humans are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant; together they are powerful beyond imagination."Following the traditions set with the first SC conference in 1988, exciting technical and educational programs, workshops, tutorials, exhibits, demonstrations and many other activities await attendees. SC06 is the one place where attendees can see tomorrow's technology being used to solve world-class challenge problems today.With the conference growth over the past years, SC06 now has a total registered attendance in excess of 7,000. This attendance provides an excellent forum for researchers to explore ideas and build collaborations.The following are some of the SC06 highlights:SC06 provides a rigorous technical paper program with refereed papers on systems hardware and software, networking, storage, instruments, sensors, grids and web services along with novel applications of these technologies to problems of interest to science, engineering, business and society.SC06 also provides an engaging 2-day tutorials program that welcomes attendees to explore the practical aspects of a full spectrum of high performance computing, networking, storage and analysis topics. Tutorial attendees have the opportunity to learn about new topics and investigate familiar topics in-depth with other experts.Upgrades in systems, bandwidth and networking technologies over the last decade have resulted in dramatic increases in performance, scalability and overall computational power in high performance computing. More than ever before, organizations in commercial, government, university and research sectors are tasked with making sense of huge amounts of data.HPC Analytics will again highlight rigorous and sophisticated methods of data analysis and visualization used in high performance computing by showcasing powerful analytics applications solving complex, real-world problems. SC06 will explore the ways in which high performance computing, networking, storage and analysis lead to advances in research, education and commerce. Innovative and diverse technologies are implemented within the HPC world every year. SC06 will introduce an initiative focusing on those emerging concepts and technologies that have the potential to reshape the HPC landscape.The SC06 Education Program will continue the program begun in 2005 to bring K-16 teachers and faculty to the conference and provide them the tools and expertise to incorporate modeling and simulation into their classrooms.SC06 will be the foremost place to learn about the most important developments in High Performance Computing. On behalf of the organizing committee, we invite you to join us for a stimulating week in November 2006.