A note on the criticisms against the internationalization process model

The internationalization process model introduced three decades ago still influences international business studies. Since that time, a growing number of researchers have tested the model to show its strengths and weaknesses. Among the critics, some focus on the weakness of the theoretical aspects, while others argue against parts of the model. This paper will review these criticisms and compare them with the original ideas in the internationalization model. One criticized aspect of the internationalization model is the concept of commitment, which is treated by researchers via measurable indicators, i.e. tangible commitment. The aim of this paper is to study commitment from a different angle and deal with intangible commitments which are connected to the concept of psychic distance in the internationalization model. Exploration of the elements in commitment strengthens the model for the internationalization process. It also opens new doors for the use of the model for other internationalization modes, like project selling. To test the concept, a summary of a historical study in which firms lose their tangible commitments and rely only on intangible commitments is given.

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