Investigation of occupational radiation exposure during interventional cardiac catheterisations performed via radial artery.

The purpose of this study was to determine the thyroid, sternum and hand radiation doses of radiologists who perform angiographies and angioplasties via the radial artery. Staff radiation dose was estimated for 21 cardiac interventional catheterisations. Thermoluminescence dosemeters (TLDs) were used to determine radiation dose for each procedure at the right and left wrist, at the sternum and the thyroid. A dose area product (DAP) meter was also attached to give a direct value in Gy cm2 for each procedure. Staff radiation doses varied between 34 and 235 microGy per procedure at the left wrist, 28 and 172 microGy at the right wrist, 16 and 106 microGy at the level of the thyroid and 16 and 154 microGy at the level of the sternum. The DAP values varied between 25 and 167 Gy cm2. Radiation doses in this study are comparable to those reported in previous studies. Moreover, good correlation was found between the DAP values and the occupational dose measured with TLDs.