Dynamic analysis of free piston Stirling engines

["The dynamics of a free piston Stirling engine is investigated through non-linear analysis and numerical simulations. The thermodynamics of the engine is coupled to the dynamics via either an isothermal or nonisothermal model. The influence of a nonlinear damper load, the nonlinear pressure loss across the heat exchangers and the nonlinear spring terms on the dynamics of the engine are examined. The nonlinear analysis of the isothermal model shows that both the nonlinear load and the nonlinear loss are sufficient to ensure a stable periodic motion of the piston and displacer and the amplitude of the piston and displacer displacements can be controlled using the coefficient of the nonlinear load term. While a nonlinear spring in general is capable of producing a limit cycle solution, the amplitude of the periodic motion is either too small or too sensitive to changes in the loading. All these analytical results are verified by numerical integration. The idea of the nonlinear load is examined further by coupling the dynamic model to an electrical model for a linear alternator. Analysis of a reduced order model reveals the existence of stable periodic solutions and numerical integrations of the full model are presented to verify the analysis. The amplitude of the piston and displacer motion can be controlled through the parameters associated with the electrical load. Finally, the effect of the temperature variation due to nonisothermal behavior of the working gas on the engine dynamics is investigated by numerical integration of the nonisothermal model. The results of these integrations show that the variation in the working gas temperature does not have a significant effect on the dynamics of the engine, therefore the isothermal assumption is appropriate for a qualitative dynamic analysis"]