Proceedings of the First International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, May 22-24, 1989, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa

Abstract : Partial contents include: (1) Minimal Finite Transition Systems, (2) Algebra of Communicating Processes, (3) Display of Graphics and their Applications, as Exemplified by 2- Categories and Hegelian Taco, (4) The Stratified Loose Semantics: An Attempt to Provide an Adequate Algebraic Model of Modularity, (5) Algebraic Concepts for the Evolution of Module Families, (6) An Algebraic Approach to the Early Stages of Language Design, (7) Algebraic Methods in Programming Language Theory, (8) Dynamic Extension of Programming Language Semantics, (9) Modeling Distributed Systems as Distributed Data Types, (10) A Formal Mathematical Model for Detecting the Subroutine Dependencies: A Logic Programming Approach, (11) The CCS Interface Equation - An Example of Specification Construction Using Rigorous Techniques, (12) Polymorphism and A-Calculus, (13) Implementing Mathematics as an Approach for Formal Reasoning, (14) Pairings on Lambda Algebras, and (15) Constructor Models as Abstract Data Types.