호텔 직원 핵심역량과 채용평가 항목의 상관관계 연구

The study was conducted to find out the correlation between Core Competency and Evaluation Criteria of Hotel Employees. To obtain the purpose of this study, correlation analysis and canonical correlation analysis were performed about the data from current interviewers at 5 star hotels in Seoul. Also, one -way ANOVA was used to analyze the difference of core competency according to hotel divisions: Room division, F&B division, Sales & Marketing division, Supporting division. As for core competency`s factor analysis, the attributes were classified with 6 sectors and 41 variables were found. As for evaluation criteria`s factor analysis, the attributes were classified with 7 sectors and 41 variables were found. The results show the relation between core competency and evaluation criteria was strongly related. However, qualifications were not interrelated with the most of core competency. In sales & marketing division, the ability to analyze situations is more important to other divisions. Sales techniques and customer management are relatively low in supporting division. To effectively evaluate these invisible attributes of candidates interviewers have to create specific evaluation methods and develop questions of each attribute according to hotel divisions.