Energy of Cohesion, Compressibility, and the Potential Energy Functions of the Graphite System

The lattice summations of the potential energy of importance in the graphite system have been computed by direct summation assuming a Lennard‐Jones 6–12 potential between carbon atoms. From these summations, potential energy curves were constructed for interactions between a carbon atom and a graphite monolayer, between a carbon atom and a graphite surface, between a graphite monolayer and a semi‐infinite graphite crystal and between two graphite semi‐infinite crystals. Using these curves, the equilibrium distance between two isolated physically interacting carbon atoms was found to be 2.70 a, where a is the carbon‐carbon distance in a graphite sheet. The distance between a surface plane and the rest of the crystal was found to be 1.7% greater than the interlayer spacing. Theoretical values of the energy of cohesion and the compressibility were calculated from the potential curve for the interaction between two semi‐infinite crystals. They were ΔEc = —330 ergs/cm2 and β = 3.18×10—12 cm2/dyne, respectively...