Real-Time Multi-Body Vehicle Dynamics Using a Modular Modeling Methodology

Simulations of ground vehicles are extensively used by military and commercial vehicle developers to aid in the design process. In the past, ground vehicle simulations have focused on non-real-time models. However with the advancement of computers and modeling methodologies, real-time multi-body models have become one of the standard tools used by vehicle developers. Multi-body models are composed of joint, body, and force elements which map well into a modular modeling approach. Based on recursive techniques a set of reusable components were developed for use in a graphical simulation and modeling environment. The components were then connected to form a real-time multi-body model of a Ford Taurus. Finally, the Taurus model was integrated with simulator cueing subsystems to build a complete driving simulator. The performance of the Taurus model was compared with test data. It was found that the vehicle model was both accurate and ran much faster than real-time. Due to the model formulation, the current set of modular components are limited to modeling open treed systems with either a fixed or mobile base body.