A new species of Partamona (Hymenoptera: Apidae) endemic to eastern Panama and notes on. P. grandipennis

A new species of stingless bee of the genus Parfamona from the lowlands of easlem Panama is described. Jt is a large Partamona characterized by a black head and thorax, and a chestnut yellow abdomen. The long yellow ferruginous wings, the yellowish pterostigma, and presence of long and well impressed snlcus on frontal median line, jusI aboye the supraclypeal area, suggest closest relation with Parfamona grandipennis (Schwarz 1951), endemic lo high altitudes of westem Panama and Costa Rica. The male of P. grandipennis is also described. lt can be recognized by the wings that are long and coJoured as in workers, and by the long malar area (ca. 1.5x as long as the diameter of 2nd flagellomere).