고온 환경 단조 공정자동화를 위한 6축 수직다관절 로봇의 기구학 및 동특성 해석에 관한 연구

In general, articulated robot control technology is limited to the design of robot arm control systems considering each joint of the robot joint as a simple servomechanism. This method describes the varying dynamics of a manipulator inadequately because it neglects the motion and configuration of the whole arm mechanism. The changes of the parameters in the controlled system are significant enough to render conventional feedback control strategies ineffective. This basic control system enables a manipulator to perform simple positioning tasks such as in the pock and place operation. However, joint controllers are severely limited in precise tracking of fast trajectories and sustaining desirable dynamic performance for variations of payload and parameter uncertainties. In many servo control applications the linear control scheme proposes unsatisfactory, therefore, a need for nonlinear techniques that increasing. for Forging process automation.