Budget Constraint Roadside Units Placement for Traffic Flows Monitoring System with Reliability in Vehicular Networks

In Traffic Flows Monitoring System (TFMS), the key problem is how to install Roadside Units (RSUs) reliably to monitor traffic flows with the constrained budget. The reliability of Traffic Flows Monitoring System(TFMS) is determined by the number of RSUs each traffic flow pass through, and the RSUs placement number is determined by the budget and the placement strategy. In this paper, we investigate the budget constraint RSUs placement problem for traffic flows monitoring system with reliability in vehicular networks. Given a budget constraint, the problem is how to install RSUs to ensure the reliability of TFMS, that is each traffic flow pass through RSUs as many as possible with the limited budget. We prove that this problem is NP-hard. Then, we propose two greedy algorithms to solve the problem according to the pigeonhole principle. Moreover, approximation ratios of proposed algorithms are given. Finally, we verify the feasibility of proposed algorithms through extensive experiments, and the results show that the proposed algorithms are superior to the other algorithms.

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