Toroidal Electric Field Effect and Non-Linear Effect on Electron Cyclotron Current Drive in the JT-60U

Recent progress in the development of electron cyclotron heating⁄current drive systems in regard to power and pulse duration have allowed the extension of two normalized parameters (toroidal electric field Eφ and wave power density p). In the extended regime, the conventional theory requires consideration of a distorted electron distribution function. The first validation of the ECCD theory in the extended regime having large Eφ and p is presented. Linear calculation has a tendency to overestimate the EC driven current, as normalized parameters for Eφ and p increase. While the EC driven current IEC obtained by a linearized Fokker-Planck calculation (1.1 MA) did not agree with the measured EC driven current (0.74 ± 0.06MA), non-linear calculation of the Fokker-Planck equation considering the effect of Eφ (0.76 MA) shows close agreement with the experimental result. Calculations show that the decreasing effect of Eφ on IEC was stronger than the increasing effect of p on IEC in the experiment.