Effect of bubble interaction on interphase mass transfer in gas fluidized beds

Abstract A non-interfering technique has been used to measure the concentration of ozone in pairs of bubbles injected into a bed of inactive 390 μm glass beads fluidized by ozone-free air. The transfer of the ozone tracer from the bubble phase to the dense phase is enhanced when compared to the transfer from isolated bubbles in the same particles and the same column. Bubble growth is also greater for the case where pairs of bubbles are introduced than when bubbles are present in isolation. Enhancement of interphase mass transfer for interacting bubbles in the present work and in previous studies incr with particle size and can be explained in terms of enhancement of the throughflow (or convective) component of transfer while the diffusive component unaltered. This mechanism leads to new equations for estimating interphase mass transfer in freely bubbling fluidized beds.