Improving Combustion Efficiency by Multivariable Analysis and Control

Ron Sunderland, BSc (Eng), FlnstMC, has been closely associated with the process measurement and control industry since 1956. He has served recently as a Member of the InstMC Council and is currently a Member of the F.& G.P. Committee, with early service on Herts Local Section Committee. His early career with Taylor Instrument Co. included management of systems and application engineering. In 1973 he was appointed Managing Director of Taylor Analytics worldwide which included the UK Servomex Company. In 1978 he moved to GEC Marconi Process Control Ltd (which became Fisher Controls Ltd in 1980) as MD of the UK Process Instrument Division. He left Fisher in 1983 to start his own Instrumentation Consultancy Business. Since late 1983 he has been retained as a Consultant in Combustion/Energy Management by Colemoss Ltd, part of the Insertech Group, based in Hitchin, Herts, which have the marketing rights for Econics Corp. flue gas analyser equipments in the British Isles and the Netherlands. Why improve combustion efficiency?