Exploration of etch step interactions in the dual patterning process for process modeling

Double patterning is a manufacturing process targeted for the 22nm half pitch manufacturing node that harbors strong potential for reaching high volume manufacturing. The double patterning process requires twice as many manufacturing steps for a device layer as are required for a traditional single reticle device layer. However, the double patterning process does have a direct interaction between the individually processed layers at the final etch processing step. Current optical proximity correction process modeling capabilities can be designed to account for the interactions between these two processes. However, it is unclear at this time whether or not real process differences are present due to an interaction between the two patterns in double patterning. It is also not certain if proximity effects play a role in the process. This study will use currently available data from the IMEC double patterning process to determine if there is a significant interaction between the photoresist and hardmask patte...