Response-Requirements Specific Object Model for Workgroup Computing

Assisted by the client-server architectures, power of contemporary workstations, and new multimedia, database and communication techniques, the workgroup computing (perhaps better known as CSCW — Computer-Supported Cooperative Work) is bound to change the way people in organizations collaborate to achieve common goals. New computer technologies change the way the cooperative work is conducted and they frequently lead to new practices that increase inter-personal productivity and business efficiency. This article defines a conceptual and technological framework for a class of workgroup computing applications characterized by an asynchronous distributed interaction (different-time/different-place) during the development of shared artifacts. The proposed object model is called RESPONSE (REquirements SPecific Object Network System Environment). The model is "requirements specific" as it aims specifically at one, albeit dominant, class of workgroup applications. A particular workgroup application, chosen as representative of our model and used in examples, is the co-authoring of documents. The proposed model determines functions and support required from hardware/ software platforms for workgroup computing. The object database component of such a platform is emphasized. A distributed management of versioned objects using four levels of workspaces is proposed. The model supports long transactions with persistent locks, checkout/checkin of versioned and unversioned objects, social and technical protocols to enhance the cooperation between users, etc. The workgroup interface for the RESPONSE model is also addressed.