Third MACAO-VLTI Curvature Adaptive Optics System now installed

25 I N JULY of this year the MACAO team returned to Paranal for the third time to install another MACAOVLTI system. These are 4 identical 60 element curvature adaptive optics systems, located in the Coudé room of each UT whose aim is to feed a turbulence corrected wavefront to the VLTI Recombination Laboratory. This time the activities took place on Yepun (UT4). The naming convention has been to associate the MACAO-VLTI number to the UT number where it is installed. Therefore, although we speak here of MACAO#4, it is the third system installed in Paranal. This short note will summarize the status of the MACAO-VLTI project, put forward a few results obtained recently and point out that with 3 operational MACAOVLTI AO systems in Paranal, phase closure can now be attempted using AMBER fed with 3 AO corrected beams.