Applicability of ITS Devices for Estimating CO2 Quota at the Corridor Level in Multi-objective Optimization Problem

This paper explores the use of intelligent transport system (ITS) devices to carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions reduction. The system could be used when a multi-objective optimization problem occurs, to minimize the freight cost ensuring that a certain level of CO2 emissions at corridor level is developed. In estimating the CO2 emissions quota, traffic data at the corridor level collected by ITS devices plays an important role to set up the quota since the quota should reflect the current traffic flows on the corridor and dynamically update itself. The expected outcome is the Pareto-optimal solution, which is the trade-off between CO2 emissions and freight transport cost. In this paper, the authors identify the required data that would be collected by ITS devices in the multi-objective optimization problem (MOOP). The authors conclude that MOOP is an appropriate approach in order to achieve two objectives: minimizing freight cost and minimizing CO2 emissions. In addition, hub and spoke intermodal freight transport networks can be applicable for MOOP. Minimization of the delivery time gap can be added as another objective function in MOOP.