Design and technology for pre-serivce teachers

In many education systems in the western world, Design and Technology is now an important part of the school curriculum. In Queensland, Australia, Technology is one of the Key Learning Areas (KLA’s) for students in compulsory years of schooling. The Technology Syllabus was completed and trialled in Queensland primary schools in 2003. The syllabus encourages students to think creatively and work technologically. This paper describes how design and technology was taught to pre-service primary teachers at an Australian University. The pre-service teachers were involved in a range of activities which promoted creative thinking, active learner involvement, team work, problem solving, working technologically, and engagement in authentic tasks. The tasks included designing and making products such as kites, land yachts, towers, bridges, and LEGO robots. Activity sequences, based on the products made, are planned by the pre-service teachers and involve the phases of the Technology Practice Cycle identified in the Technology Syllabus. Teams of pre-service teachers also used the cycle of Investigate, Ideate, Produce, and Evaluate, to create their own technology products. The use of Wikis, Blogs, and digital videos are integral to sharing ideas within the teams of pre-service teachers and across the unit cohort. The paper also provides examples of pre-service teacher feedback on various aspects of the Design and Technology unit.