The cement industry in Egypt: Challenges and innovative cleaner production solutions

Egypt has increased cement production from 4 million tons in 1975 to 46 million tons in 2009, and now accounts for around 1.5% of global cement production. Dust emissions contribute about 6% of the PM10 in Greater Cairo reaching as much as 30% in areas nearby the cement plants. New regulatory standards, expected to be ratified in 2010, will reduce dust emission limits from 300 to 100 mg/m3 for existing plants and from 100 to 50 mg/m3 for new plants. Online monitoring by the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) of the 72 main stacks in the 16 cement plants provides real time information on dust emissions. New plants are 98% compliant and older plants 92% compliant with the emission limits. Little routine monitoring is done on SOX and NOX emissions. Cleaner production and pollution prevention opportunities for the cement sector include: 1) use of alternate fuels in cement kilns; 2) NOX reduction; 3) reduction of dust emissions; 4) use of silica fume waste to produce new cement products; 5) reuse of bypass dust; and 6) treatment of hazardous waste.