COMET-X is the experimental prototype of an advanced finite element software system. The distinguishing feature of COMET-X is that the user controls the order of polynomial approximation over each finite element, as well as the number and distribution of finite elements. This provides for very efficient and accurate approximation procedures. The present capabilities of COMET-X include the following: linear elastic analysis of plates under plane stress (or strain) and flexure. The plate may be isotropic or orthotropic (simple or multi-layer). In the case of plane stress or strain problems, the plate may be stiffened by prismatic or tapered members. For example, the program was used to carry out detailed stress analysis for a box car body bolster. In addition, COMET-X is well-suited for the computation of stress intensity factors in linear elastic fracture mechanics. In all of the computational tests conducted so far, COMET-X has been found to be superior in accuracy and efficiency to existing finite element software systems.