Clinical value of the guanase screening test in donor blood for prevention of posttransfusional non‐A, non‐B hepatitis

We adopted an automated method for measuring guanase in donor blood and examined the incidence of posttransfusional non‐A, non‐B hepatitis when donor blood with high guanase activities was excluded. Sixty‐seven (2.4%) of 2,826 units were excluded from use in transfusion because they had guanase activities above 1.71 units per liter. Of 112 recipients, 8 (7%) developed posttransfusional non‐A, non‐B hepatitis. The incidence of posttransfusional non‐A, non‐B hepatitis was 17% before adoption of the guanase screening test and 7% after its adoption. Thus, the incidence of posttransfusional non‐A, non‐B hepatitis was significantly decreased after adoption of this screening test.