Core congestion is inherent in hyperbolic networks

We investigate the impact the negative curvature has on the traffic congestion in large-scale networks. We prove that every Gromov hyperbolic network $G$ admits a core, thus answering in the positive a conjecture by Jonckheere, Lou, Bonahon, and Baryshnikov, Internet Mathematics, 7 (2011) which is based on the experimental observation by Narayan and Saniee, Physical Review E, 84 (2011) that real-world networks with small hyperbolicity have a core congestion. Namely, we prove that for every subset $X$ of vertices of a $\delta$-hyperbolic graph $G$ there exists a vertex $m$ of $G$ such that the disk $D(m,4 \delta)$ of radius $4 \delta$ centered at $m$ intercepts at least one half of the total flow between all pairs of vertices of $X$, where the flow between two vertices $x,y\in X$ is carried by geodesic (or quasi-geodesic) $(x,y)$-paths. A set $S$ intercepts the flow between two nodes $x$ and $y$ if $S$ intersect every shortest path between $x$ and $y$. Differently from what was conjectured by Jonckheere et al., we show that $m$ is not (and cannot be) the center of mass of $X$ but is a node close to the median of $X$ in the so-called injective hull of $X$. In case of non-uniform traffic between nodes of $X$ (in this case, the unit flow exists only between certain pairs of nodes of $X$ defined by a commodity graph $R$), we prove a primal-dual result showing that for any $\rho>5\delta$ the size of a $\rho$-multi-core (i.e., the number of disks of radius $\rho$) intercepting all pairs of $R$ is upper bounded by the maximum number of pairwise $(\rho-3\delta)$-apart pairs of $R$.

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