The central notion of this paper is that of a κ -elementary end extension of a model of set theory. A model is said to be a κ-elementary end extension of a model of set theory if > and κ , which is a cardinal of , is end extended in the passage from to , i.e., enlarges κ without enlarging any of its members (see §0 for more detail). This notion was implicitly introduced by Scott in [Sco] and further studied by Keisler and Morley in [KM], Hutchinson in [H] and recently by the author in [E]. It is not hard to see that if has a κ -elementary end extension then κ must be regular in . Keisler and Morley [KM] noticed that this has a converse if is countable, i.e., if κ is a regular cardinal of a countable model then has a κ -elementary end extension. Later Hutchinson [H] refined this result by constructing κ -elementary end extensions 1 and 2 of an arbitrary countable model in which κ is a regular uncountable cardinal, such that 1 adds a least new element to κ while 2 adds no least new ordinal to κ . It is a folklore fact of model theory that the Keisler-Morley result gives soft and short proofs of countable compactness and abstract completeness (i.e. recursive enumera-bility of validities) of the logic L(Q) , studied extensively in Keisler's [K2]; and Hutchinson's refinement does the same for stationary logic L(aa) , studied by Barwise et al. in [BKM]. The proof of Keisler-Morley and that of Hutchinson make essential use of the countability of since they both rely on the Henkin-Orey omitting types theorem. As pointed out in [E, Theorem 2.12], one can prove these theorems using “generic” ultrapowers just utilizing the assumption of countability of the -power set of κ . The following result, appearing as Theorem 2.14 in [E], links the notion of κ -elementary end extension to that of measurability of κ . The proof using (b) is due to Matti Rubin.
H. Jerome Keisler,et al.
Elementary extensions of models of set theory
Saharon Shelah,et al.
Models with second order properties II. Trees with no undefined branches
E. M Kleinberg.
A combinatorial characterization of normal M-ultrafilters
H. Keisler.
Logic with the quantifier “there exist uncountably many”
K. Kunen.
Inaccessibility properties of cardinals
William S. Zwicker,et al.
Flipping properties: A unifying thread in the theory of large cardinals
Ali Enayat.
On certain elementary extensions of models of set theory
James H. Schmerl.
Recursively saturated, rather classless models of peano arithmetic
Robert I. Soare,et al.
Logic Year 1979–80