This paper addresses how to automatically reconstruct pottery vessels from a collection of sherds using a variety of features and their comparisons. To solve the problem, we designed a computational framework that is founded on the primitive operations of “match” proposal and evaluation. A match defines the geometric relationship between a pair of sherds. This framework affords a natural decomposition of the computation required by an automatic assembly process and provides a concrete basis to evaluate the utility of different features and feature comparisons for assembly. Pairwise matches are proposed and subsequently evaluated by a series of independent feature similarity modules. Assembly strategies are abstracted from the feature-specific sherd details and operate solely in terms of the probabilistic output of pair-wise proposals and evaluations. Our framework, which is modular and extensible, paves the way for a system to automatically reconstruct pottery vessels. We demonstrate a greedy assembly strategy that predicts likely pairs and triples of sherds using a handful of proposal and evaluation modules. Previous attempts to automate the task of reconstructing pottery vessels have relied on a single feature, and sometimes user intervention, to direct the search (Ucoluk & Toroslu 1999), (Papaioannou, Karabassi, & Theoharis 2001), (da Gama Leito & Stolfi 1998). While (Cooper et al. 2001) accounts for more than one feature using complex parametric models, we propose a conceptually simpler and modular system for integration akin to (Pankanti, Jain, & Tuceryan 1994) and (Keim et al. 1999; Keim, Shazeer, & Littman 1999). Our framework and assembly strategy are similar to (Jepson & Mann 1999) where they search for a plausible scene interpretation.
David B. Cooper,et al.
Assembling virtual pots from 3D measurements of their fragments
VAST '01.
J. E. Glynn,et al.
Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing
Michael L. Littman,et al.
Solving Crossword Puzzles as Probabilistic Constraint Satisfaction
Georgios Papaioannou,et al.
Virtual Archaeologist: Assembling the Past
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications.
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Numerical recipes in C. The art of scientific computing
William H. Press,et al.
Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing
Karl Weinmeister,et al.
PROVERB: The Probabilistic Cruciverbalist
Sharath Pankanti,et al.
On integration of vision modules
1994 Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
Allan D. Jepson,et al.
Qualitative probabilities for image interpretation
Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision.
Ismail Hakki Toroslu,et al.
Automatic reconstruction of broken 3-D surface objects
Comput. Graph..