Measuring the spatial and temporal pressure variation from buried charges

The effect of changing geotechnical parameters on the impulse generated from a shallow buried charge has been the topic of a large amount of scientific interest in recent years. Many previous researchers have utilised a free flying mass experimental approach to capture the impulse imparted from such an event. This methodology has also been used for a parametric study conducted at the University of Sheffield Blast and Impact laboratory A new approach which aims to better capture the loading from shallow buried charges uses a fixed plate with data recorded via load transducers and spatially and temporally resolved via an array of Hopkinson pressure bars. This paper outlines the revised experimental approach for the capture of spatially and temporally resolved impulse data at the blast-target interface. Issues encountered during the commissioning tests using charges bur-ied in silica sand are discussed, and initial results from the original and revised Hopkinson pressure bar arrays are presented.