ACODE benchmarking: plotting a bright future
The Australasian Council on Open Distance and E-learning (ACODE) benchmarks were the first major attempt, in an Australasian context, to bring a consistent framework to the use of e-Learning in and for higher education institutions. The aim of the benchmarks is to provide measurable indicators toward quality technology enhanced learning (TEL) programs, rather than simply making value judgments about each key area. Evaluation is a central characteristic of the benchmarks and it is there to enhance a quality cycle within institutions. Importantly, this is not limited to work within the institution, as evaluation also plays an important role in mediating the many external factors at play around the effective deployment of quality institutional TEL environments. Although the ACODE Benchmarks have been used very effectively by many institutions, they are now over six years old. Given the massive changes that have occurred over this time, such as advances in Web 2.0, the greater use of cloud services, advances in analytics and BYODs, it is time to review and update the benchmarks to ensure they are both relevant and are still providing institutions with the best possible chance to ensure their practice is aligned with sector-wide good practice. Participants in this symposium will be those who are interested in participating in an active discussion around the future directions for these benchmarks and be willing to both deconstruct and propose areas in which the benchmarks could be improved in the future. This session will also be relevant for those considering conducting a future benchmarking activity in the area of e-learning, potentially using the ACODE benchmarks to conduct either an internal audit, or for those looking to plan for an inter-institutional activity for more broad-ranging quality purposes.
[1] Ian Wilson,et al. From Scenario Thinking to Strategic Action , 2000 .