Engineers' manpower quality promotion and arrangement plan model: A Case of the Fu Tsu Construction Company

*Corresponding Author Email: Tel.:+886-912-277-792 Human capital is essential to the success of a twenty-first century enterprise. Therefore this research proposes a succession plan model in order to improve an engineer’s quality and to increase his competency and enhance manpower quality. Based on SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats), cultivated talent that can support managers searched the blue ocean strategy of the case company. The manpower quality promotion and arrangement plan model is a process that helps an individual to prepare through mentorship, training, and development for job advancements. A case example from the author’s recent consulting experience illustrates a model-assessment process and tool kit tailored to the Taiwan business and cultural environment. The research presents practical guidelines and insights into the manpower quality promotion and arrangement plan model appropriate for an engineer’s training and development tools and structures the process for Taiwan’s construction industry. Our findings have important implications for an HR consulting practice on how to apply a manpower quality promotion and arrangement plan model to improve an engineer’s career and organization development.