Hypermedia system design applying the Dexter model

COmpOnentS The version we prefent lacks the Original papers mathematical formalism, but preserves its comprehensive, compelling preset+ tation of the basic Ideas. In " Design Issues for a Dexter-Based Hypermedia SWtem: CrOnba?k and Trlgg raise issues in designing a WStem based on an object-oriented interpretation of the model. The article clarifies Dexter% notion of link directionality, extends Dex-ten composite notion to include containment of and reference to other Dexter components and argues for supwrtlng and managlng dangling links rather than Prohibiting them as Dexter requires " The Amsterdam Hypermedia Model: Adding Time and COnteXt t0 the Dexter Model:' by Hardman, Bulterman and van Rossurn. proposes extensions to the Dexter mOdeI to handle dynamic media. In PaItlCUlar, Dexter* presentation specifications are extended to cover the presentation of time-based component contents. Composites are used to model the hierarchical structure of multimedia Contents in a way that echoes the trpnb~k IT&g