Abstract : Schriever Air Force Base (SAFB) is located in El Paso County, Colorado, approximately 10 miles (17 kilometers) east of Colorado Springs. SAFB is home to the 50th Space Wing, the Space Warfare Center, the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization's Joint National Integration Center, the 310th Space Group, and several tenant organizations. Due to increasing mission demands and personnel increases at SAFB and the need for increased security precautions following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, the USAF is proposing a number of facility construction and enhancement projects at SAFB. The purpose of the Proposed Action is to provide sufficient facilities to adequately accommodate personnel and mission demands at SAFB and assist in the base's Security Forces mission. The need for the Proposed Action is the inadequacy of security forces training and force protection facilities at SAFB. The proposed Security Forces Squadron Regional Facility (SFSRF)- Training Center is necessary in order for personnel to efficiently train. The current lack of these facilities requires training to be conducted off-site, resulting in additional time and budget expenditures. Due to increases in staff and administrative needs, the existing base Security Forces Operations Center is inadequate to fulfill current and future security forces needs; therefore, base security forces personnel are currently operating out of various locations throughout the base. The proposed Security Forces Squadron Operations Facility (SFSOF) would provide sufficient space to consolidate security forces functions and personnel in one location. Due to non-mission-related growth outside of the secure area, the existing Main Entrance Gate and Visitor Control Center need to be relocated and redesigned to provide better access and traffic control. The West Gate Security Forces Facility is needed to ensure security.