대기이론과 비례 공평성 스케줄링 기본원리를 이용한 신호등 없는 교차로에서의 교통제어방법
In this paper, we propose a new traffic control systemwithout traffic lights at an intersection. We assume a system with fully autonomous driverless cars, and infrastructure to avoid collision completely. In most major cities, traffic congestion is very difficult to predict and deal with because it is a function of many unknown factors such as number of cars, weather, road constructions, car accidents, etc. The proposed algorithms are designed for urban road networks to ease the congestion, and make it more predictable at the same time. we apply queueing theory to simplify the road network model and make the algorithm more mathematical and realistic. We consider the roads and the intersection as separate queues and assume that the service rate of the intersection exponentially decreases as the number of vehicles in the intersection-queue increases. We use proportional fair scheduling algorithm to improve road efficiency and ensure fairness at the same time.