Power-Line Communications Analog Front-End

The integrated receiver is able to detect signals down 1FEATURES to 10 μVRMS (G3-FCC mode) and is capable of a wide 2345• Supports: range of gain options to adapt to varying input-signal – CENELEC Bands A, B, C, D conditions. The monolithic integrated circuit provides high reliability in demanding power-line – ARIB STD-T84, FCC communication applications. – FSK, SFSK, and NB-OFDM The AFE032 transmit power amplifier operates from a • Conforms To: single supply in the range of 7 V to 24 V. At typical – EN50065-1, -2, -3, -7 load current (IOUT = 1.5 APEAK), a wide output swing – FCC, Part 15 provides a 12-VPP capability with a nominal 15-V supply. – ARIB STD-T84 • Standards: The device is internally protected against overtemperature and short-circuit conditions. The – G3, PRIME, P1901.2, ITU-G.hnem device also provides a selectable current limit. An • Programmable Tx Low-Pass Filters and interrupt output is provided, indicating current limit, Rx Band-Pass Filters thermal limit, and undervoltage. A shutdown pin is • Integrated Power-Line Driver with Thermal and also available, and can be used to quickly place the device into the lowest-power state. Each functional Overcurrent Protection block can be enabled or disabled to optimize power • Low-Power Consumption: dissipation through the serial peripheral interface – 50 mW (Receiver Mode) (SPI), • Receive Sensitivity: 10 μVRMS (Typ) The AFE032 is housed in a thermally-enhanced, • Four-Wire SPITM Interface surface-mount, PowerPAD, QFN-48 package. Operation is specified over the extended industrial • Three Integrated Zero-Crossing Detectors junction temperature range of –40°C to +125°C. • Package: QFN-48 PowerPADTM • Extended Temperature Range: –40°C to +125°C