Analysise and Realization of Micro-satellite Communication Based on UDP Protocol
In theses years,scientists have been paying more and more role on the satellite communication based on the TCP/IP protocol.There are many problems in the inter-satellite links when using the TCP protocol as the transport la-yer,while the UDP protocol is much more simple,convinenment and higer efficiency which can meet the demand of the satellite communication well.The processor on the on-board computer(OBC) is MPC8260,which integrates the μC/OS-II embedded real-time operating system.It choises the LwIP protocol as the communicating protocal,and the Slip protocol as the link layer protocol,the Nrf 24E1 ZigBee as the wireless communicating tool.It sets up the inter-satellite link communication test platform,relizes the wireless communication between the OBC and PC based on the UDP protocol.The result shows that the UDP protocol can perform well and is an optional protocol in the inter-satellite link.