Improving Energy Efficiency and Minimizing Service-Level Agreement Violation in Mobile Cloud Computing Environment

In mobile cloud computing, high energy consumption and service-level agreements (SLAs) violation are the challenging issues considering that the demand for computational power is growing rapidly, which requiring large-scale cloud data centers. The mobile cloud computing enables customers to outsource the large and complex tasks to the cloud data centers for the execution and result generations. To provide resources such as CPU, RAM, memory, and bandwidth cloud data centers host incoming tasks, due to the large data centers that provide the basic resources for the host operations, and it consumes a huge amount of energy, which results in very high operational costs. In order to improve the energy efficiency and SLA violation of a cloud data center, energy-aware methods for overloaded host detection and VM selection from an overloaded host are needed. Cloud computing research community felt the need to provide or improve the energy-efficient solutions that reduce the impact of the issues. In this paper, we have shown many existing algorithm for energy efficiency and SLA violation reduction.