Automatic control in aerospace 1998 :a proceedings volume from the 14th IFAC Symposium, Seoul, Korea, 24-28 August 1998

Paperback. In the post cold war era, the role of aerospace technology has swiftly changed from military use to civilian use. The change resulted in a closer international cooperation in developing new aerospace systems, such as the Iridium project to launch a fleet of communication satellites and the European Aero International Regional (AIR) project to build a new generation of 100-seat passenger jets. Furthermore, it is envisioned in the coming century that passengers may be able to travel between Seoul and Los Angeles in two hours with the help of the emerging technologies of aeronautical and astronautical engineering.The Global Positioning System (GPS) will bring a personal navigation system that can provide navigation information with an accuracy of less than 10 metres. Satellites will take a major role in developing a global communication system. These changes and visions wait for control engineers to solve many challenging and exciting engineerin