Introduction to modern power electronics

Preface. 1 Principles and Methods of Electric PowerConversion. 1.1 What Is Power Electronics? 1.2 Generic Power Converter. 1.3 Waveform Components and Figures of Merit. 1.4 Phase Control. 1.5 Pulse Width Modulation. 1.6 Calculation of Current Waveforms. 1.6.1 Analytical Solution. 1.6.2 Numerical Solution. 1.6.3 Practical Examples: Single-Phase Diode Rectifiers. 1.7 Summary. Example. Problems. Computer Assignments. Literature. 2 Semiconductor Power Switches. 2.1 General Properties of Semiconductor Power Switches. 2.2 Power Diodes. 2.3 Semicontrolled Switches. 2.3.1 SCRs. 2.3.2 Triacs. 2.4 Fully Controlled Switches. 2.4.1 GTOs. 2.4.2 IGCTs. 2.4.3 Power BJTs. 2.4.4 Power MOSFETs. 2.4.5 IGBTs. 2.5 Comparison of Semiconductor Power Switches. 2.6 Power Modules. 2.7 Summary. Literature. 3 Supplementary Components and Systems. 3.1 What Are Supplementary Components and Systems? 3.2 Drivers. 3.2.1 Drivers for SCRs, Triacs, and BCTs. 3.2.2 Drivers for GTOs and IGCTs. 3.2.3 Drivers for BJTs. 3.2.4 Drivers for Power MOSFETs and IGBTs. 3.3 Overcurrent Protection Schemes. 3.4 Snubbers. 3.4.1 Snubbers for Power Diodes, SCRs, and Triacs. 3.4.2 Snubbers for GTOs and IGCTs. 3.4.3 Snubbers for Transistors. 3.4.4 Energy Recovery from Snubbers. 3.5 Filters. 3.6 Cooling. 3.7 Control. 3.8 Summary. Literature. 4 AC-to-DC Converters. 4.1 Diode Rectifiers. 4.1.1 Three-Pulse Diode Rectifier. 4.1.2 Six-Pulse Diode Rectifier. 4.2 Phase-Controlled Rectifiers. 4.2.1 Phase-Controlled Six-Pulse Rectifier. 4.2.2 Dual Converters. 4.3 PWM Rectifiers. 4.3.1 Impact of Input Filter. 4.3.2 Principles of Pulse Width Modulation. 4.3.3 Current-Type PWM Rectifier. 4.3.4 Voltage-Type PWM Rectifier. 4.4 Device Selection for Rectifiers. 4.5 Common Applications of Rectifiers. 4.6 Summary. Examples. Problems. Computer Assignments. Literature. 5 AC-to-AC Converters. 5.1 AC Voltage Controllers. 5.1.1 Phase-Controlled Single-Phase AC Voltage Controller. 5.1.2 Phase-Controlled Three-Phase AC Voltage Controllers. 5.1.3 PWM AC Voltage Controllers. 5.2 Cycloconverters. 5.3 Matrix Converters. 5.4 Device Selection for AC-to-AC Converters. 5.5 Common Applications of AC-to-AC Converters. 5.6 Summary. Examples. Problems. Computer Assignments. Literature. 6 DC-to-DC Converters. 6.1 Static DC Switches. 6.2 Step-Down Choppers. 6.2.1 First-Quadrant Chopper. 6.2.2 Second-Quadrant Chopper. 6.2.3 First-and-Second-Quadrant Chopper. 6.2.4 First-and-Fourth-Quadrant Chopper. 6.2.5 Four-Quadrant Chopper. 6.3 Step-Up Chopper. 6.4 Current Control in Choppers. 6.5 Device Selection for Choppers. 6.6 Common Applications of Choppers. 6.7 Summary. Example. Problems. Computer Assignments. Literature. 7 DC-to-AC Converters. 7.1 Voltage-Source Inverters. 7.1.1 Single-Phase Voltage-Source Inverter. 7.1.2 Three-Phase Voltage-Source Inverter. 7.1.3 Voltage Control Techniques for Voltage-SourceInverters. 7.1.4 Current Control Techniques for Voltage-SourceInverters. 7.2 Current-Source Inverters. 7.2.1 Three-Phase Square-Wave Current-Source Inverter. 7.2.2 Three-Phase PWM Current-Source Inverter. 7.3 Multilevel Inverters. 7.4 Soft-Switching Inverters. 7.5 Device Selection for Inverters. 7.6 Common Applications of Inverters. 7.7 Summary. Examples. Problems. Computer Assignments. Literature. 8 Switching Power Supplies. 8.1 Basic Types of Switching Power Supplies. 8.2 Nonisolated Switched-Mode DC-to-DC Converters. 8.2.1 Buck Converter. 8.2.2 Boost Converter. 8.2.3 Buck Boost Converter. 8.2.4 uk Converter. 8.2.5 SEPIC and Zeta Converters. 8.2.6 Comparison of Nonisolated Switched-Mode DC-to-DCConverters. 8.3 Isolated Switched-Mode DC-to-DC Converters. 8.3.1 Single-Switch Isolated DC-to-DC Converters. 8.3.2 Multiple-Switch Isolated DC-to-DC Converters. 8.3.3 Comparison of Isolated Switched-Mode DC-to-DCConverters. 8.4 Resonant DC-to-DC Converters. 8.4.1 Quasi-Resonant Converters. 8.4.2 Load-Resonant Converters. 8.4.3 Comparison of Resonant DC-to-DC Converters. 8.5 Summary. Examples. Problems. Computer Assignments. Literature. 9 Power Electronics and Clean Energy. 9.1 Why Is Power Electronics Indispensable in Clean EnergySystems? 9.2 Solar and Wind Renewable Energy Systems. 9.2.1 Solar Energy Systems. 9.2.2 Wind Energy Systems. 9.3 Fuel Cell Energy Systems. 9.4 Electric and Hybrid Cars. 9.5 Power Electronics and Energy Conservation. 9.6 Summary. Literature. Appendix A PSpice Simulations. Appendix B Fourier Series. Appendix C Three-Phase Systems. Index.