USI A-40 value/impact assessment

The Committee to Review Generic Requirements (CRGR) has the responsibility to review all proposed new regulatory requirements and recommended approval or disapproval to the Executive Director of Operations. Proposed new requirements submitted to the CRGR must be accompanied by written justification. This justification package must be accompanied by written justification. This justification package must include (among other things) an assessment of the risk reduction expected from implementing the proposed requirement and an estimate of the costs to the NRC and the licensees. This report provides technical support to the Generic Issues Branch (GIB) in preparing value/impact assessments of proposed new regulatory requirements to Standard Review Plan (SRP) sections 3.7.1, 3.7.2, and 3.7.3, dealing with seismic design criteria. The technical issues involved and the potential benefits and impact of the new proposed change on seismic response and risk are qualitatively discussed and quantitatively assessed (where possible) through the use of engineering judgement, experience data, and recent research, but not through the explicit use of seismic PRA calculations. A total of 24 proposed changes were identified. Of these new requirements, 14 were identified as having a potential impact on PRA results.