A parallel code for the direct numerical simulation (DNS) of reactive flows with detailed models for chemical reactions and molecular transport has been used as a benchmark on two large commodity hardware clusters with current state-of-the-art processor and network technologies. Up to 180 Alpha EV68 833 MHz have been used on the first system and up to 400 AthlonMP 1.4 GHz CPUs have been used on the other one. Both clusters comprise dual-nodes and Myrinet-2000 interconnect. The influence of the dual-nodes on the parallel efficiency is discussed and the performance of these clusters is compared with Cray T3E systems. The other part of the paper deals with the application of DNS to study premixed flames emerging after induced ignition of turbulent mixtures. The discussion focusses on the temporal evolution of the heat-release rate. In addition to the analysis of flames expanding in homogeneous turbulent mixtures, first DNS results of a flame kernel evolving in a turbulent mixture with spatial inhomogeneities of the equivalence ratio are presented.
J. Warnatz,et al.
Detailed Simulations of Turbulent Flames Using Parallel Supercomputers
D. Thévenin,et al.
Accurate Boundary Conditions for Multicomponent Reactive Flows
Ulrich Maas,et al.
Ignition processes in hydrogenoxygen mixtures
Ulrich Maas,et al.
Development of a parallel direct simulation code to investigate reactive flows
Marc Lange.
Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flame Kernels Using HPC
Jürgen Warnatz,et al.
Investigation of Chemistry-Turbulence Interactions Using DNS on the Cray T3E
M. Trinite,et al.
Local scalar flame properties of freely propagating premixed turbulent flames at various Lewis numbers