Determining the information needs of small and medium-sized enterprises: a critical success factor analysis

Introduction. - This paper reports the results of a critical success factor (CSF) analysis of two small businesses that share staff and premises, operating within the same industry, (educational resources) but within different market sectors (early years literacy; religious education). Method. - Data was collected by interviews with 8 managers, and from a document analysis. The CSF approach is defined and explored as being useful for small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in determining their information needs; which are critical to strategy, business development and growth. Findings. - 9 critical success factors emerged, one of which was “corporate information competence”. Information was also a sub-factor underlying all other critical success factors. Conclusion. - It is essential for small businesses in today’s competitive environment to take a strategic approach to their information needs if they wish to develop, and remain competitive. If information expertise is not present within the company it is advisable to invest in that expertise through recruitment, training, partnership, or outsourcing. This study confirms previous research findings relating to the “critical” role of information in organisations and specifically SMEs.