Hybrid iii dummy neck response to air bag loading

This paper discusses issues related to the Hybrid III dummy head/neck response due to deploying air bags. The primary issue is the occurrence of large moment at the occypital condyles of the dummy, when the head-rotation with respect to the torso is relatively small. The improbability of such an occurrence in humans is discussed in detail based on the available biomechanical data. A secondary issue is the different anthropometric characteristics of the head/neck region of the Hybrid III dummy when compared to humans. Different modes of interaction between the deploying air bag and the Hybrid III dummy's neck are discussed. Key features of the dummy's response in these interaction modes have been described in light of the laxity of the atlanto-occypital joint and the effect of the neck muscle pairs. Issues for improving the biofidelity of the Hybrid III dummy's neck response due to deploying air bags are discussed.