To Gaze with Undimmed Eyes on All Darkness [IP Corner]

Seeking inspiration for this month?s column, I noticed that Samsung has withdrawn its ?Smart Scroll? technology from the Galaxy S5. On reading a bit more, I noted that it may still be available on some versions of the phone, but even where it is still available, it is well hidden and is no longer promoted as a significant feature. What happened? Why did such an apparently cool feature get pushed into the background after being one of the main selling points of the Galaxy S4 smartphone?

[1]  Peter Corcoran The Patent Prosecution Process [IP Corner] , 2014, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine.

[2]  P. Corcoran,et al.  Biometric Access Control for Digital Media Streams in Home Networks , 2007, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics.

[3]  Peter M. Corcoran,et al.  Real-time eye gaze tracking for gaming design and consumer electronics systems , 2012, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics.