Study of the distribution properties and LRFD code conversion in Japanese larch.

This study was performed to develop an LRFD (Load Resistance Factored Design) Code for Domestic Larch. To accomplish his, we evaluated bending, compression, tension and shear strength. The results of the strength evaluation were utilized to verify the distribution and code conversion. For bending, tension and compressive strength, the Weibull distribution was well-fitted, but for shear strength we observed a normal distribution. For evaluating the bending and compressive strength, a full-sized specimen was used. A small clear specimen was used to test tension and shear strength. Compressive strength in particular was found to be affected by tight knots, although there was little difference between grades. In the code conversion, the design value of the LRFD was larger than the existing allowable stress value in the Korean Building Code. However, the allowable stress in this study was about two times higher than the value listed in the Korean Building Code. This result induced the difference between the soft and hard conversions. For greater reliability, the accumulation of additional data is necessary and further studies should be performed