induced hearing loss (NIHL), has been associated with industry for many years. The results reported from many industrialized countries1 are alarming to authorities all over the world including Jordan. The management of cases of NIHL is proved to be hopeless.2,3 Most of the western countries have their own regulations and rules for the protection of workers in noise-producing factories.4 Occupational noise is known to be a cause of NIHL. The United States Department of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) developed the Hearing Conservation Amendment that limited occupational exposure to noise.5 The recommended permissible noise levels and duration of noise exposure are shown in Table 1. Where actual noise exposures exceed those prescribed, steps should be taken to reduce noise levels for employees working in those areas. The current regulations will protect 85% of H the individuals exposed to recommended noise levels. The remaining 15% could be attributable to individual susceptibility to noise,6 the effect of melanin concentration in the cochlea7 and aging.8 The industrial section in Jordan is rapidly growing. Workers in certain industries are concerned about developing NIHL as compared with other lower noise levels industries or with the general population. The size of the problem in Jordan is unknown. In this study, an attempt was made to find out the prevalence rate of NIHL among the workers of one of the textile factories. The association between hearing loss and both the level of noise at different sites in the factory and the duration of employment in the factory will be investigated.
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