Gesture-Based Interactions on Multiple Large Displays with a Tabletop Interface

We like large displays. Also, we love to equip with multiple displays for exercising multiple tasks in parallel. It is not unusual to have multiple large displays in our offices. Therefore, we can see many widgets on multiple large displays and would like to select and manipulate them in more convenient and faster ways. Because the widgets are physically spread in multiple large displays, it is not easy for users to reach them easily. It follows that new interaction techniques must be provided. [1] New interaction techniques for accessing distant widgets on multiple large displays using a tabletop interface called 'u-Table' [2] are proposed in this paper. Hand gestures are mainly used on tabletop interfaces because of their intuitive, non-invasive and easy operations. We incorporate advantages of existing techniques such as intuitiveness of tabletop interfaces, fastness and simultaneity of existing interaction techniques such as Drag-and-pick [10] and Vacuum [11]. The proposed interaction techniques include fetching, sending, and manipulating distant widgets on multiple large displays. We expect our techniques can be applied various interfaces using hand gestures and heterogeneous displays.