The Municipal Infrastructure Management System (MIMS) is a computer model to assist systems operations engineers manage public service infrastructure more effectively. The MIMS model predicts infrastructure condition performance, established treatment schedules, and determines infrastructure asset valuation. The infrastructure model is capable of multiple infrastructure type (i.e., water lines, roads, etc.) evaluation. MIMS models all infrastructure segments in a simultaneous analysis. MIMS uses Markovian probabilistic modelling principles on a segment level analysis. A Markovian segment level analysis combined with detailed treatment strategies enables realistic, accurate costing and performance prediction. Treatment strategies consider societal costs (i.e., agency, non-agency, tangible,and non-tangible costs). Effectiveness calculations enable alternatives evaluation and a comparative integrated evaluation between different infrastructure types. Optimization methods use the effectiveness calculations and network operational constraints (i.e., budget limits) to provide the most effective treatment schedules based on principles of minimizing treatment costs. A case study applied to an asphalt concrete road network shows the utility of MIMS to analyse a range of decision-making issues. (A)