As we sort through numerous new books to generate a focus for each month's column we often find a variety of books on related topics. What is in teresting are the ways different authors and illustrators present a similar topic, whether it is through poetry, fiction, or an informational format. This month's column highlights some of these topics through the use of text sets. A text set consists of five to ten books on a particular topic or theme. The books are of varied genre, readabil ity, and content. They also present a va riety of perspectives for readers to consider. As the books are read, stu dents can brainstorm about observed connections and then discuss them. Afterwards, readers write connections on a chart or web, which serves as a strategy for relating ideas to their per sonal lives. One of the values of shar ing text sets with readers is they can delve deeply into a topic or theme and generate ideas and questions. Living creatures
C. Riddell,et al.
Pirate Diary : The Journal of Jake Carpenter
Mark J. Kurlansky,et al.
The Cod's Tale
M. Osborne,et al.
Earthquake in the Early Morning
A. G. Hines.
Pieces: A Year in Poems & Quilts
Patricia Casey.
One day at Wood Green Animal Shelter
N. Davies.
One Tiny Turtle
David J. Whitin,et al.
Inquiry at the Window: Pursuing the Wonders of Learners
Carolyn W. Lima,et al.
A to Zoo: Subject Access to Children's Picture Books