A Case Study of Hot In-Place Recycling Asphalt Mixture in Korea
PURPOSES: This study is to investigate the Hot In-Place recycling asphalt mixture in Korea using field produced materials. METHODS: Hot In-Place reclaimed asphalt mixture was investigated to evaluate the mixture properties based on various test results such as Marshall Test, Indirect Tensile Test, TSR, and Wheel Tracking Test. These test values were compared with domestic standard specification. RESULTS: The result of the laboratory experiment indicates that the Hot In-Place Reclaimed(HIR) asphalt mixture produced at the field constrution site was satisfied all of the test criteria such as Indirect tensile test, Marshall and TSR test, and wheel tracking test. During the test, the research team found that current HIR system is required an extention of mixing time to improve quality and to reduce variation of sample to sample. Although the current HIR mixture was passed the test criteria, there is a potential capability to enhance the mixture properties as extend mixting time. CONCLUSIONS: Based on these laboratory test results, It would be concluded that domestic HIR mixture`s properties were satisfied all standard specification related with evaluation of recycling asphalt mixtures. Based on this case study result, there is a chance to save construction cost and increase the usage of reclaimed asphalt concrete in the future.